Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Mobile For Girls

Twelve percent have used text messaging news as a conversation starter with a date or mate.Eight percent of respondents say they have ended a relationship over rude/offensive wireless behavior.Five percent of respondents have called someone else he or she was interested in from a wireless phone while on a date and seven percent reported that their date had done so.Six percent have judged a prospective date by the phone they use.Also significant in the survey results, 59 percent of active daters use text messaging to communicate with their dates, while only 30 percent of those who are married.
Since the time, I have posted about the mobile numbers mania in the Pakistani youth, I have been getting sorts of emails, comments regarding the post. Though majority of the emails and the comments lauded the expose, but there are quite few who want to remain oblivious to the menace, which is eating out society out.

Just see the comment on such posts of mine and you would find that almost ninety percent of them are from the girls or boys announcing their phone numbers and emails and they are just simply mad, thirsty, and yearning about the friendship. The “fraandship” requests on such posts which are denouncing such things at first place is clear indication that people are not even reading what I am saying, and they are just after some male or female contact.

I am also amazed at some of the criticism about the TPS admins. I would like to let the people know that it is my demand and my will to do such expose of the social ills and to allow such comments just to show the degradation in our society. If we won’t identify and discuss the evil, then how could we cure it?
That is the paradox, while an introduction on a cell phone may seem impersonal, It can be very romantic. When courting a girl most guys communicate through SMS. This is written form of communication that actually takes thought. A well written SMS is like a Haiku or poem. If you write a love SMS in Urdu or Punjabi for example, it takes often more thought often than an e-mail. This is because the writer tries to economizes on words and chooses each one with purpose and intent. There is certainly more thought in writing than simply someone directly. Writing takes though and intent.

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