Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Mobile Models

KARACHI: Expanding the portfolio of its entry solutions in Pakistan, Nokia Pakistan has announced the latest additions to its most affordable device range at their launch event: Nokia 2690, Nokia 2220, Nokia 1616, Nokia 1800 and Nokia 1280. Leading analysts around the world believe it is emerging markets like Pakistan that will lead the future of mobile communications in coming years. By 2015, 83 percent of the global population will be living in emerging markets. A developing world incomes rise, household spending on mobile phones, and the opportunities they are bringing to people, grows faster than spending on energy, water of indeed anything else. staff report
With more than 75,000 applications in the App Store, consumers have a vast choice of alternatives to the applications they have already downloaded. And while discovery of new applications is a challenge for consumers, retaining users can be equally difficult for developers. To shed light on the kinds of applications that tend to be used over a longer period of time, Flurry studied user retention across 19 categories over a 90-day period. We monitored if consumers returned to use a downloaded application within 30, 60 and 90-day periods, as well as how frequently consumers used applications over those time periods. Flurry measures user retention by the number of users who downloaded an application, at any time in the past, and used that app within the last seven days.

Early Mobile Celeron models (based on Pentium II and Pentium III architecture) were very similar to the desktop ones, but with lower voltage, thus consuming less power and dissipating less heat.

The following models were based on Pentium M, Core Solo or Core Duo, always features like L2 memory cache, external bus speed and internal clock rate reduced in comparison to their desktop counterparts. The official name of these models is Celeron M. Note there were no desktop Celeron models base on this architecture.

The most recent models are based on Core 2 Duo architecture, some of them with two processing cores, some with only one. There are ultra low voltage models, focusing on low power consuption, and others with higher voltage and clock rates, aimed on laptops with higher performance (but still on the value segment). These models are named Mobile Celeron.

In the next pages you can have an idea of all mobile Celeron models launched to date and their characteristics.
Yesterday I listed five business arrangements. There is a sixth business worth mentioning. You don’t see much of it and, frankly, it is not entirely a new business to begin with: a bank pursuing an agent+mobile channel as an alternate to branches. While not an entirely new business model, we know that this “mobile+agent” model presents a unique set of challenges for banks. It is not business-as-usual for them. It is not only fee-based transaction products, but the service is being delivered at scale to people transacting at low values. It is no surprise that we see banks and microfinance providers having limited success with this channel. Basix’s bank in India has set-up a distribution network and they have been successful in servicing loans through that channel. Tameer Microfinance Bank had modest success with agents in the slum of Orangi in Karachi but that channel has now been scaled-up in their tie-up with Telenor.